< K i t t y V i n t a g e
Now on www.kittyvintage.com
For the latest KITTY VINTAGE news check out my LiveJournal
This site offers unique Custom dolls and fashion doll clothing designed by me.You’ll find custom Blythe dolls, Ball jointed doll esthetics,
mods amd makeups,unoa OOAK sets and clothes, SD clothes shop,fur wigs, photo galleries of my dolls collection ,interesting custom tips and links.

all doll art and creations © 2004 - 2007 Kitty Vintage/ Picara unless otherwise noted | website by Picara
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License

Any images found on this website may not be altered, copied, or used in any way without my permission.